Wednesday, February 10, 2021

And it's a No

 The news is not good. 

"They believe that I have not served enough time. "continued confinement is the most appropriate  disposition at this time." "the board determined that parole approval would depreciate the seriousness of my confining offenses.' "

Well that sucks. 

They are recommending Mandatory Supervised Release (MSR) at his minimum release date which will be next April.  I guess we will find out what that all means soon. 


Monday, February 8, 2021

Hurry up and Wait

I think that is the motto of the military. 

M has still not heard anything. We were all told 2 weeks, but obviously that is in military time. So we wait. 

His great grandmother is not doing well. She is in continuous care right now and they are allowing my MIL and aunt in to visit for a couple of hours at a time. So we know it is close. I am not sure how to go about telling him when she passes. I messaged him last night to tell him she was not doing well. But I never know when he reads his messages. I doubt very highly they would let him come home for the funeral. I know that will destroy him. I am not really sure what to do.