Thursday, July 28, 2022

Small moments of Normal

Having the two younger boys at home has been an adventure. It is nice to see them hanging out playing video games and talking. M moved out when J was still in high school so they never really had the chance to hang out. On the 4th of July one of thier cousins came over and they were even playing foosball which they have not done in years. 
 I catch myself listening to them talk like normal brothers. 
 We went to the movies together the other day and they acted like teenagers throwing everything from the back seat at each other and just horsing around.
 M got to visit the lake with us a couple of weeks ago and commented that it almost felt normal.
 Almost normal. 
 A little over 100 days left until it can go to the "new normal". I am really not sure what that looks like but it has to be better than now. Right? I guess I feel bad that there are still things he can't do because of MSR. I know there is a lot he will not be able to do even once he off of it, but its the little things. 