Thursday, February 20, 2025


 Life is getting somewhat back to the new normal. We no longer really have an extended family. There is a bit of sadness in that fact, but it really doesn't feel any different. When Hubby's grandparents died a few years ago, the extended family had started to see each other less and grow apart gradually naturally. And if I am being honest we had not felt that close to Hubby's brother and wife for quite awhile. She blocked our whole family on FB the first time Trump became President and the relationship has never been the same. The fact that our boys were never close to their uncle because he was an asshole to them does not escape us. We should have kicked him out of our home years ago. 

M was kicked off of FB because the SIL reported him. I know that is not a big deal, but it is just one more nail she has hammered in. 

I feel bad for my in laws though. They lost a son and 3 grandchildren due to the election. I say the election because everyone was fine until Trump won. Then the SIL lost her mind and drug my BIL along with her insanity. 

I pray for them. There is not much else I can do. I forgive them because God told me to and He has given me peace in that. There is still a bit of anger when I think about it, so when I do think about it, I say a quick prayer and move on. Their anger towards our family is not my issue, it is theirs. 

So life goes on and it is a good life. God has blessed up massively. And I am continuously grateful. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Points of joy

M's girlfriend has moved in. He asked us a couple of weeks ago if she could move in since she is paying $500 a month rent for a bedroom in a friends house and she has spent more time at our house than her own. They have been dating 7 months now and are planning for the future. She loves him regardless of his past and realizes the limitations and restrictions he will have forever. 

Funny kind of sorta... So he had to register in the state he works in because of the C SIL and that state placed him tier 2 with 25 years on the list but he can petition to be off in 10 years. So actually better than the life he has here. He can move to that state and be off the registry in as little as 10 years! Not bad! 

Speaking of the C SIL and her insanity. Seems most of the family has written her rants off as a crazy person. M has done his time and that is in his past. The BIL took the kids to see our in-laws for Christmas this past weekend, without her, and everything was fine. 

Anyway, so B has moved in, and they are happy. They are looking for houses and saving up money. 

The past couple of days we have been snowed in. We got about 11 inches of snow Sunday. Both girls  were here so the "kids" spend Monday morning sledding on our hill. LOL! 

M called on his way to work at 4:30 am. His truck slipped on some black ice and he spun out and hit the median. He is ok, he is shook up but he is driving home. Slowly. The tow truck driver said it was a tire issue and not to waste money on the tow. So he is limping home and hopefully can have it repaired locally for less money than involving the insurance company. 

I am tired. But grateful that he is ok!