What do you want from us?
Do you want us to apologize for not telling you as soon as
we knew?
Honestly there is no point. Nothing we tell you, obviously,
is going to change what happened or how you feel.
You complain about how you have lost your family and you
can’t trust us. You did that to yourself. Do you think we have not lost a
family? Do you think your wife texting/calling everyone to make sure they knew
about what M did was going to ensure that we would have a relationship with
anyone in our family?
Oh but that’s right, we did YOU wrong. You are the ones that
have to suffer the burden of a child who went to prison for something
unimaginable. You are the ones who had to try to explain to the family what
happened while still trying to keep the family together. You were the ones who
had to go through a child who did this. You are the ones who have to live with
But you are the ones who were betrayed because we did not
tell you as soon as we knew what he had done, even though it had absolutely
NOTHING to do with you. M has never and never would touch or do anything to
your daughter. M does not even know where you live.
There was a comment made at the court martial by the
prosecutor which was objected by M’s lawyers. That is the only mention of a
The communications that were found in chat were fragments.
He was being led to say things by the person/sting. Do I defend M? Hell no!
There is no excuse for what was said or what he viewed.
You have no idea what we have been through the last few
years. The pure hell we have been living through.
But you expect that we should have involved you in
everything from the moment that we knew what he was being investigated for?
From the very moment that we were told?
Well ok. I am sorry we did not tell you as soon as we got
off the phone or left the court room. Because you are the only one who matters.
YOUR family is the ONLY one impacted by this. Oh wait! Your family was NOT
impacted by this. You just have this perceived thought that it does. That
because you have a daughter who loved our son but was never around him alone or
even for very long, that this is about you. That because he works “close” to
where you live that he is stalking her? Even though he does not know where you
I am sorry your daughter feels like a victim, but that is
not because of us. You were the ones who had her read the appeal.
I am sorry you feel like we should have involved you from
the moment we knew, but that was not your decision to make. It was ours. And
when your children grow up I hope you never have to make such a decision. I
hope your children grow up perfect and you never have to go through what we
have gone through.
I am sorry that we no longer have an extended family of
aunts, uncles and cousins. But I will be honest and say that we have never been
close and ever since our boys were young you judged them and made them feel
less than. From RJ being berated for smoking, even though your own wife smoked,
to your wife losing her shit because MJ posted a meme that your wife disagreed
with and then blocking us all when Trump won the election in 2016, to again
going ballistic when he won this year.
After serving almost 3 years in prison and 9 months of
probation, M has served his time. He underwent psychological testing and
therapy during that time and the therapist gave him a .001% chance that he
would reoffend.
We can’t fix the issues you have with us. But you can and
you should fix the issues you have with your parents. They did nothing wrong
but support our family, just as they would support yours.
You don’t have to worry about us going to family events. We
will not. We have always felt like the black sheep of the family so it is
nothing new to us.