Friday, December 20, 2024

On Forgiving

 Yesterday I was ready to explode. I don't think I have ever been so angry or so full of hate as I was yesterday. 

M called on his way home from work. He was called by the county sheriff and told that he needed to come in so they could set up a profile with them. 

Bit of a back story, we live 20 min from another state and he works in that other state. He had called the county sheriff when he got the job to find out if he needed to register with that state and how to go about doing that, since he is registered in our home state. They told him since he was already registered in our home state he did not need to register there. 

Fast forward to yesterday. He gets to the office and they don't have time to see him but they mention that there had been an anonymous tip and they needed to do a profile on him so to come back Monday. 

An anonymous tip. Like we don't know who that was. The malicious C that is my SIL. 

I started a study in my Bible app last week on forgiveness. I actually missed yesterday and I am glad because it made today, which was supposed to be yesterday, very fitting and I was able to receive it in the way that I should have. 

"Father forgive them for they know not what they do" 

That was Jesus asking God, our Father to forgive those who were murdering him. If He can do it, surely I can. No it is not easy! Far from it. But it is worth it for the feeling that I have today. 

"Jesus teaches us that even in moments of great pain, it is important to seek forgiveness for those who have hurt us. This request helps keep us from becoming trapped in bitterness and blame, granting us the freedom to move forward." ICF Munchen "Forgiveness and Reconciliation" 

Forgiveness is so incredibly important to our well being and mental state. 

"Be Still and Know" 

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