Thursday, January 14, 2021

And it's done

 And there is nothing else we can do. 

The parole hearing was yesterday and it went about as well as could be expected, I guess. I don't know what we expected. 

How it worked. 

We had a time to call in and speak in support of M. It was all done via call conferencing because of Covid. Once we called they made sure everyone was in on the call and then asked if we had anything to say, we had 30 minutes. R had prepared talking points based on what I knew we needed to touch on. He did most of the speaking fortunately. 

The moderator actually commented that we had done our research. 

After we spoke they had the opportunity to ask questions. Only one person had questions as well as the moderator. (That was not what he was called I just don't remember) M had put that we would employ him he returns home in his parole plan. They did not like that. We are photographers and they were concerned that he might be around children. (Whatever) We also had in there that we live in an area with a high concentration of warehouses he could be employed at. As well as friends in construction who have already said they would put him to work. 

I get that they don't want him in a situation that could tempt him. But thinking he is going to pick up a camera at a wedding and start taking pictures of little kids while he is surrounded by a hundred people is just crazy. And they want him to reintegrate with society. They can't expect him to never be around kids (supervised of course). This concern seemed overly dramatic.

We had been told that we needed to get him a therapist that would agree to work with him. I found one, only to be told by the moderator that the parole office has their own therapists they will want him to work with. 

Overall I have no idea what they will decide. I think we did well. We should know in a couple of weeks.

There is a weight that has been lifted from us though. There is nothing else we can do. He either comes home in this Spring or next. And it is out of our hands. There is relief in that.


  1. Yes, it is a relief to know there's nothing more you can do. Prayers going up for all of you. How long til you find out their decision?

    They will probably always be paranoid about him being in contact with children. They view him through their lens and that is the way they will always see him. And unfortunately they have pretty much absolute power in this situation so you have no choice but to humor them. If you try to reason with them they will think you're not cooperating, that's my experience. That is one of the many inconsistencies in the way we treat CP in our society--porn is fed by isolation, and what do we do with people with problems, we isolate them.

    At one point they were threatening to not let my son live in a dorm or go to class at college because there *might* be someone under age 18 there. Luckily that was the point where we got a lawyer and they backed off.

    1. We should find out in about 2 weeks. They will let M know and he is responsible for letting us know.
      It is really pretty sad that this offense is declared worse than murder. And I agree, M got into this because he was lonely. And what do we do? We ostracize him from society. It is sad. I am just glad that so far he does not see this as insurmountable.
      Fortunately if he does get parole we will only be under their thumb for about a year and a half.I can't imagine if it were to be longer.
