Wednesday, November 27, 2019

It's the Night Before Thanksgiving

And thoughts are running wild. We have still not heard from M. It has been 2 weeks. We have cut our Thanksgiving down from 38 family members to our close 7. We just don't feel like talking to people and answering the questions that are sure to come. We have not told anybody really. I think the count is 11 who know part or all of it.
Tomorrow will be rough. M was home last year. We have a huge family photo that we took and he was standing in the back with his cousins. The picture showing up in my Facebook memories last week.
I have never been able to have Thanksgiving for just the immediate family before. Sad that it has taken this to make it happen. J wanted it. He did not want to socialize with everyone anymore than the rest of us. I am somewhat looking forward to a smaller group. I hope I can make it through the day. But then if I don't, it's ok.
I hope he calls soon.


  1. May your family have a warm Thanksgiving day, may you find comfort and strength in each other.

  2. (Hope I'm not posting this twice, not sure where it went) How did it go? Are you able to send mail to your son? Do they have a way for you to put money in a phone call account for him? You could ask on the support board for tips or what others have experienced in the first weeks as far as communication.

    Last year we were not allowed to be together as a family for Thanksgiving--my son could not have contact with my daughter. I took her on a college visit to Canada, partly because it was a good time to do it anyway, but partly as cover so we didn't have to answer questions and so he could actually come home during his break. It is hard. I know you have at least 3 more years til your son can be home with you for holidays.

    1. We managed through it. It was nice to spend time with our other 2 sons. I did find out how to put money in an account for him and did so for both phone calls and the commissary. We still have not heard anything though.
      We had cover as well. I feel bad not telling everyone, but they don't need to know.

  3. Like my friend advised me, you can always tell them later, when you're ready, but once you tell you can't take it back.
